25 Types of Business Writing Services

Have you considered getting into business writing as your specialty, but you aren't sure that it's for you? Business writing is such a broad area for freelancers that you're bound to find some projects you'd be interested in.

You don't have to offer every business writing service out there to be a successful business writer. For example, I don't write long pushy sales copy that often strikes me as sleazy from the buyer perspective (and if that makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to either). I focus more on projects on the PR side of things -- press releases, company blogs, and white papers for example.

You can focus on any area of business writing that appeals to you -- from internal employee communications to outward marketing and sales efforts. To give you some ideas of where to start, here are 25 types of business writing services you could offer as a freelance writer (in alphabetical order).

  1. Ad Copy (from simple banner ad text to commercial scripts)
  2. Annual Reports
  3. Biographies (such as for executive profiles on the company's site)
  4. Blog Posts for Company Blogs
  5. Brochures
  6. Business Letters
  7. Business Plans
  8. Case Studies
  9. E-books
  10. Marketing Plans
  11. Media Advisories
  12. Media Kits
  13. Newsletters
  14. Packaging Copy
  15. Postcards
  16. Presentations
  17. Press Releases
  18. Product Descriptions
  19. Product Manuals
  20. Sales Letters
  21. Slogan Development
  22. Social Media Profiles
  23. Trade Magazine Features
  24. Web Copy
  25. White Papers

If you're a business writer, what type of business writing do you like to focus on most? If you're considering business writing, which of these example services would you be most likely to offer? Why? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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14 thoughts on “25 Types of Business Writing Services”

  1. Thanks for this topic, Jennifer! I think white papers and case studies are the way to go.
    The pay, from what I’ve heard, is excellent. Besides, longer term assignments versus quick one day turn around gigs work better for me. I like research and generally enjoy learning about new things.

    Now, if I could only figure out how to get clients…..

    • Cathy (who also commented here) I know writes a good number of case studies. She’d be a better person to talk to about rates on them. But white papers — definitely. They’re also a nice balance between content and copy, which is one of the things I like best about them.

      As for finding clients, I’m a bit proponent of building a platform so the best clients can find you. Here’s a post with 30 ways you can get started. 🙂


  2. Great list, Jenn. My favorite forms of business writing are case studies, blog posts, and brochures. I like the story-telling aspects of case studies and the more personal touch of blog posts. I like brochures for releasing the creative side. I like playing with branding in brochures.

    I also enjoy ghostwriting articles for trade publications, which frankly surprised me. I thought my ego would want to see that byline. 😉 But, I find that seeing my words in print is a boost even without my byline.

    Thanks for letting me remember what I like about business writing. 🙂

    • Do you handle the design side of the brochures Cathy, or do you focus on the copy?

      I’m another fan of ghosting for trades. It’s a nice way to get paid better for the work and bypass some of the usual waiting.

  3. Great list, Jenn… and some things there I’d forgotten about like package copy.

    And ghosting is a favorite of mine too.

  4. Among these that you listed, I am most comfortable with ebooks and brochures. Once I started to write an ebook, I make sure I am most comfortable with the topic of it so as not to lose stream of ideas.

  5. Hi Jenn,

    Great list!

    I enjoy writing blog posts, articles, web pages, newsletters, broadcasts, books, and eBooks.

    Creative writing is one of my favorites as is ghost writing. The former is great for marketing copy, and, of course, books and eBooks. The latter means you can’t have a HUGE ego. 🙂 I enjoy ghostwriting eBooks, and I am having fun ghostwriting a fitness eBook for my client.

  6. Thank you for sharing, Jenn! These ideas will help me as I progress as a business writer.

    BTW: I appreciate all of your advice. My dance card is getting full with writing clients–and your forum helped me to focus and gain the confidence that I needed to get out there. Thank you! 🙂

  7. Awesome list, Jennifer! Blog posts, web copy, and press releases are my favorites. Oooh and video scripts/voice-overs too!

    “You don’t have to offer every business writing service out there to be a successful business writer.” –Completely agree. In fact I think that writers who choose to focus on just a handful of content types can have more success compared to those who try to everything.

    • It certainly makes marketing easier if nothing else. Different types of clients tend to want different types of copy written. Personally I try to focus on ones who emphasize PR, awareness, and image management over things like direct sales copy.


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