All's Well With the Server Move

The server move is complete. I removed the AFW files from the old host and the site's functioning, so it appears everything worked out finally with the database issues. May I throw a little party now?

While this isn't my first server move, it is my first WordPress server move, and my first multi-site move (talking between one and two dozen sites getting split between two new servers with two new hosts). This is precisely why I don't host everything I own in one place though. If I did that and something went wrong with the hosting company that led me to want to switch hosts, it would be a much bigger nightmare moving everything. So, whew!

I might post more about it -- a step-by-step guide of moving WordPress blogs -- if anyone thinks that would be useful. So let me know.

There might still be issues with the DNS changes propogating, but it seems to be okay from my end. If not, give it a day for things to finish updating.

That also means you can resume commenting since the database is settled back in.

If you run into any specific problems with the site, do let me know and I'll take a look.

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7 thoughts on “All's Well With the Server Move”

  1. I would love step-by-step guidance, if you’ve got the time. I’ve got to get my sites off 1and1, which is just a useless host. My problem is that I can’t get my filed emails to download onto anything so that I can put them on a flashdrive and archive them before the move, and I can’t print out all those thousands of documents — I need them accessible, so I don’t want to lose them in the move, but I haven’t been able to pull them off the site. As usual, nothing their techs tell me as any relevance to what actually happens on the sites. So I’m basically being held hostage until I can find a way to download, and then I’m going to have to transfer the sites. Staying with this host is not only hurting my business, since they’re so unreliable, but causing unnecessary stress.

    • I’ll put something together next week. I don’t think 1&1 uses Cpanel so the instructions would vary a bit (same process, just different names / programs to pull your info in their control panel). They were the first company I dealt with back when I started my first site. And my goodness I couldn’t get away from them fast enough!

      If the emails are saved on your server, here’s an option. Just use an email client (like Windows Mail / Outlook Express). Setup your email account through it and let it download everything from the server. Then if nothing else you’ll have them archived on your hard drive even if 1&1 doesn’t make it possible to transfer them to another host’s server easily. Not perfect, but anything’s better than staying with that company. 😉

      • I’m on a mac, so Windows/Outlook is not an option. That’s part of th eproblem. I haven’t found the equivalent on Mac yet, even though I have Mobile Me, so I should be able to do it.

        Supposedly, I have to invest in some sort of FTP system that will allow me to download and then save to my hard drive and then move it to a flashdrive.

        But so far, no FTP I’ve yet tried has worked compatibly with 1and1. They’re just hateful.

        • Thunderbird might work with Macs, so you could try that email client.

          With Windows I don’t even use FTP software. I can just access things through any Windows explorer panel by entering

          I can do the same thing in my browser window (Firefox at the moment) and I can download things that way. If it’s a full folder might be tougher — you might want to login to the hosting account first and zip / compress that file so you can download a compressed version as one file in your browser.

          If not, there are free FTP programs too. I seem to remember CuteFTP being one, but I haven’t used them in so long that it might not be free anymore (and I’m not sure if it works with Macs). I’m sure there are ones out there for Macs too though — Cnet’s site would probably have some.

  2. Congratulations on the move! And yes, please, a step by step would be totally awesome….might I humbly suggest an ebook perhaps? (if it’s very difficult, that is) Thanks for all of the great articles and information on this site. I love it!


    • OK. There seems to be enough interest that I’ll put together something next week once I’m back to work. But after this hellish week I’m going to enjoy my weekend now. 🙂

      I did a Cpanel to Cpanel move, so that’s what the post (or maybe series) would focus on next week. If your host has another control panel or their own then it would be slightly different in where you’d find things, but the same concepts.

      And glad you like the site Anita!


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