Are you Following up on your Marketing Activity?

If you are going to market your freelance writing services, you might as well do whatever you can to achieve as much success as possible. This means following up on all activity, from cold calls to direct mail and everything in between.

It is easy to believe that your marketing strategy will take care of itself the first time around. However, this is not always the case.

For example, if you are going to rely on direct mail you should get in the habit of contacting each person within a couple of weeks to follow up. This gives you a reason to call, while also having something to discuss when you finally connect with the other party.

Stay Organized

One of the main reasons why many freelancers avoid this strategy is the time that it takes to stay on top of things. Not only do you have to market your services upfront, but you have to stay organized enough to follow up on each task in the future.

Yes, this is going to take extra time and energy. That being said, it is something you must do if you want to achieve long-term success.

Note: you may find yourself having a greater rate of success when you begin to regularly follow up on your marketing plan. Often times, it takes several contacts with a prospect to close a deal. The more time you put into following up on your marketing plan the better off you are going to be.

When you first get serious about marketing your services, you may find it difficult to understand the importance of regular follow-ups. Once this begins to payoff, you will realize it is something you should be doing regularly in the future.

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