Freelance Writing Challenge – Blog Evaluations

While I know today's freelance writing challenge won't apply to everyone, I think enough freelance writers are also bloggers to make this a worthwhile exercise. Today we're going to evaluate our blogs - basically look at the factors that come into play when you want to sell a blog, and use that evaluation as a guide to see where we could improve our blog's value in the future.

As a guide, we're going to use the things Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett laid out in the ProBlogger book as valuation criteria:

  • Audience
  • Content
  • Search Rankings
  • Traffic
  • Inbound Links
  • Brand
  • Profit
  • Design
  • Domain

So today, take a look at one of your blogs, and make some notes regarding each of the things listed above. How is it doing with traffic? Are you building brand awareness around your blog? Is it used for personal branding, and is it doing that successfully? Are you earning a profit (assuming you're trying to)? How many incoming links does Yahoo say you have? What about in Google's webmaster tools?

Also make a few notes on how you might be able to improve the value of your blog within those areas (not just if you may want to sell it in the future, but because the more value it has, the more likely it is that you're maximizing it for yourself!). You don't need to put a dollar value on your blog - instead look for ways that (no matter what its value is now) you can improve the value over time.

I'll be taking a look at today and doing this kind of evaluation. I'm going with this one because it's one of my newer blogs, hasn't earned much (if anything) yet other than this month (and when looking at income, go with the last few full months), and is the vehicle for promoting my new e-book series (so I obviously want to maximize that blog's value, traffic, etc.).

While I don't expect you to nit pick your blogs and then share the details, I hope you'll share some of your broader thoughts or goals - such as something you realized you're not currently doing that you'd like to start. Think of this as your early New Year's resolutions for your blog(s).

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4 thoughts on “Freelance Writing Challenge – Blog Evaluations”

  1. My blog is a week old, and has gone from 2 hits per day to 100 per day, thanks to social netwroking on Twitter and using sites like StumbleUpon. No profits as yet, but I am an affiliate for your book, so I’m sure I’ll see something soon!

    The design (the template at least) needs to be improved, but it’s fine for now. Nice and clean.


  2. Jennifer, I’ve been trying for a year to figure out just how to build my audience and I seem to be missing the mark. Good thing I’m not dependent on income from my own blogs to survive!

    Wendy, I’m jealous! I would LOVE to hit that 100 a day number, is that unique visitors?


  3. Wendy – Affiliate earnings can sometimes take time. They go over much easier with readers when you’ve built a relationship with them over time (they trust recommendations more that way, as long as you keep referring them to quality things). So just hang in there. 🙂 I did take a look at your blog, and it’s off to a good start. I especially liked your post where you were discussing coming up with a niche for your own e-book – it’s a great example of the fact that, like you say there, everyone is an expert at something. 🙂

    Kathryn – What kinds of things have you tried so far, and do you think it’s the tactics failing, maybe not giving them enough time, or something different altogether that’s causing you problems?


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