A Trick for Finding High Paying Web Writing Gigs

Here's a trick that just occurred to me tonight while getting the next freelance writing jobs post ready for All Freelance Writing (I haven't tried it myself yet):

  1. Go to a site where you can find freelance writing jobs.
  2. Search for the term "freelance writers."
  3. Now, instead of just looking for actual job titles for freelance writers, look for freelance editing jobs where the term "freelance writers" appears in the body of the job ad. It's generally in some line about how the editor (usually a full-time position) will have to manage freelance writers or solicit freelance writers or edit submissions from freelance writers (something along those lines).

One thing I've noticed for quite a while with gigs like that is the fact that I've almost never seen those same companies actively and openly soliciting freelance writers. So there you go... you have another way to access some potentially "hidden" freelance writing markets by finding companies who do hire Web-based freelance writers without actively advertising for them.

Give it a try, and let us know how it goes. 🙂

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