Freelance Writer Challenge: Give Yourself a Break

Credit: Sanja Gjenero
Credit: Sanja Gjenero

I'm going to be bad today and challenge you to do something that I won't be doing myself. I'm challenging you to stop working at the end of your normal work day. No working late. No squeezing something else in, as so often happens in freelance writing. Don't even check your work email. Enjoy your Friday evening, instead of bringing in the weekend on a work-related note.

I won't have that luxury today because I'll be busy working tonight on a new launch project, because I've been keeping my partner waiting long enough (it'll be for your benefit when it's completed, so hopefully you'll forgive the bit of hypocrisy today). Consider this my way of living vicariously through you.

That it. That's all I want you to challenge yourself to do today. Enjoy your evening off doing something unrelated to work, so you'll be more refreshed when you get back to it (especially if you're a part-timer who works on the weekends). 🙂

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1 thought on “Freelance Writer Challenge: Give Yourself a Break”

  1. I just had this conversation with myself today. Whether I’ll follow through is another matter. Thanks for letting me know other freelancers also stuggle with integrity/dispair conflicts.


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