Find Legitimate Freelance Writing Jobs: 3 Tips

Many freelance writers are no stranger to work at home job scams. When searching for freelance writing jobs, it's not uncommon to stumble across things like programs being offered to teach you how to start a freelance writing career (usually for a pretty penny) to transcription and typing work at home job scams. Here are a few tips to help you avoid work at home job scams, and find legitimate freelance writing jobs:

1. If it sounds too good to be true, walk away.

Don't fall sucker to promises of tons of money for little to no work, full-time incomes for part-time hours, or anything along those lines. If the job poster has to hype up the posting, it's likely not a legitimate freelance writing job.

2. Never pay to receive information about freelance writing jobs.

Legitimate employers or clients offering freelance writing jobs will be looking for qualified candidates; not ones who are willing to fork over money. Remember, the person doing the hiring should be the person paying out to you!

3. If an ad for freelance writing jobs raises any red flag with you, research the poster or hiring company.

If you're in the US, some places to conduct research on freelance job scams includes the Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, and your state attorney general's office.

If you have other tips for avoiding work at home scams when looking for freelance writing jobs, or if you have an experience you'd like to share about being scammed or avoiding a freelance job scam, let us know about it.

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3 thoughts on “Find Legitimate Freelance Writing Jobs: 3 Tips”

  1. Whenever a prospective client emails me from a domain address, like, I viist that website to learn more about the business. At the least you’ll find out a little more about the person you’re going to be writing for.

  2. I raise an eyebrow when I see a job posting that doesn’t identify the company, or site, or topics, even. Sometimes they just say “writer wanted” and leave it at that. If they can’t give me more information, why should I give them mine?

    That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not legit, but I always skip over them because I get the sense that something’s not right.

  3. Okey I have heard ua comments guys. Now,let me be sincere, I new to freelance writing. Any one there to direct me to a legit company which will be paying. Ain’t mind doing the job from home. U can contact at Thanks in advance.


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