The Evolution of You

As you grow in your freelance writing career, you will evolve. You’ll evolve as an individual, as a writer, and as a business owner. As this evolution takes place, you will notice that the things you once found satisfying don’t satisfy anymore. At first, this will feel weird and uncomfortable; it may involve outgrowing friends, peers and clients. It may mean that blogs you once loved reading are now boring and repetitive. or that you lose respect and awe for people you once thought of as mentors or career savants. But it’s best if you allow it to happen, understand its basis and embrace it—it’s all part of the process.

The great thing about this evolution is that, if you pay attention, you will get to know yourself better. You’ll understand what you want out of your career, your life and your talents. You will see which gigs, people and processes are holding you back and which are drawing you forward into the next stage of your career. You will see a new destination for yourself on the horizon, and you’ll find all the signposts and guides that will help get you there—just as you did at the beginning of your career, before you evolved for the first time.

I talk about evolution because I have evolved several times over the past few years. From a newbie reporter who didn’t know that web writing was a viable career, to a content mill writer who thought that mills were the way and the light, to a writer who fashioned a great career out of a specialty and wanted to share her experience with the freelance writing world.

But now I'm in the middle of a whole new evolution. Like all others, this evolution has been gradual and though I felt something happening in the back of my mind… I wasn’t exactly sure what it was until a new frame of mind clicked into place. After that, some of the things I was doing—things that I had been doing for a while and had no real reason to stop doing—didn’t feel right anymore. One of those things was (and is) my involvement in the freelance writing community. Don’t get me wrong, I love the community and I have made many good friends over the years, but I realize now that I’ve been focusing my attention too much on other writers—when they have nothing to do with the success of my career. In fact, I’d venture to say that I’ve gotten successful in spite of the time I’ve sunk into the community rather than because of it.

So, readers, I want to thank you for reading all the posts I’ve had here on during the past year. I’ve enjoyed trying out different content mills for you and stirring up thought and emotion with my contrarian postings. Is this a forever good bye? Who knows, I’m much too capricious to ever assume that anything I do is forever, and I couldn’t begin to guess where I’ll need to be after my next evolution. But I do know that with a new year on the horizon and my perception of myself as a business person so completely changed from this time last year, I need to focus on other things. Because I understand now that this career is mine and I really can do anything with it—just like many of you can with yours. This may be the first time that I’ve actually realized that at all levels and not just in a general sense; the first time that I’ve felt like I was driving the car, not just reading the map and suggesting a direction; the first time I’ve felt such complete control and optimism, and I want to channel it and spend it where it’ll do me the most good.

I wish you all tremendous luck with your own evolutions and hope you have the courage not to ignore them.

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7 thoughts on “The Evolution of You”

  1. While I know we’ll still “see” plenty of each other, it’s definitely a sad day. But I wasn’t surprised by the decision, and I can’t blame you for it in the slightest. Priorities change, and the general freelance writing community isn’t yours right now. If it isn’t leading to the referrals or sales you need in your business, it definitely doesn’t make sense to devote an overabundance of time to it. I know you’ll remain active within your tighter network, and it sounds like you’re making a great business decision. Do whatever you need to do, stay in touch, and know you’re always welcome back should anything change. 🙂

  2. Good luck! It’s crazy how things change over time. I’ve been doing some thinking lately too about where I want to go and change, so I am totally feeling your transition to new things. Hopefully we’ll still see you around, of course. 🙂

  3. Sorry I’m so late responding to comments–it’s my first week back after surgery and it’s been ca-razy (so crazy that the word crazy deserved a whole ‘nother syllable).

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes–I’ll still be around and y’all know how to email me 🙂


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